Understand advantages
Wingo is an energy-efficient table with integrated heating in its base that saves energy and money. In addition, it has zero CO2 emission, therefore is the most environmentally friendly solution. Wingo table has heaters in its base and the possibility of wireless charging of smart devices on the table surface.
The CE mark guarantees all safety and functionality standards for the European market and IP55 certification, in addition to mechanical durability and longevity, guarantees water and dust resistance, thus providing additional safety to the end-user.
One of the most essential characteristics of Wingo tables is energy saving. With an average consumption of 0.25kW per hour, it places itself as the most energy-efficient product in the field of outdoor/patio heating.
To calculate electricity savings, you can use a calculator with the following variables: the electric heater power (kW), the number of electric heaters, the number of Wingo tables with which you would replace the electric heaters, the price of electricity per kWh (euro), for how many months you would use the heating (per year) and the average number hours of heating per day.
Power (kW)
Number of electric heaters
Number of Wingo tables
Electricty price (€/kWh)
Hours per day
Electric Heater:
Save with Wingo:
Example 1: Comparing the one full winter season consumption of energy/money between a typical electric heater (2.5kW) and a Wingo table (0.25kW) in an average restaurant in Germany, one would get the following differences in the final electricity bill by the end of the six-months season: €2,019.40 (el. heater) vs. €201.94 (Wingo), which is the difference of €1,817.46 per one appliance per season.
Example 2: Suppose the same restaurant has an area capacity of 20 tables and it needs to choose between heating them with 10 electrical heaters of 3.0 kW power or 20 Wingo tables of 0.25 kW power each. The electricity bill by the end of the six-month season would be: €24,232.82 (el. heater) vs. €4,038.80 (Wingo), which is a difference of €20,194.02 per season.
Significant savings, excellent energy efficiency, modern heating system, and design make it not a plain heating table for food but rather the most cost-effective modern and efficient energy eco solution on the world market of heaters, which is why it has received numerous international awards.
It is easy to use, just press the switch and enjoy the pleasant warmth of the Wingo table.