Japanese Kotatsu Table – Style of Decoration or a Real Deal?

While climate change keeps surprising us, and things weather-wise may seem uncertain, there is no doubt that it is better to prepare for any winter ahead than regret one’s recklessness during the cold days. While the majority of people would get cozy clothes and blankets, you might want to think ahead and get yourself a kotatsu! ‘What is the kotatsu?’ you may wonder, and what are you supposed to do with it? No worries, we’ve got you covered. Read along to find out more about this Japanese heated table and understand if kotatsu is actually worth it.

Kotatsu Table – What it Is and Where it Came From 

Japan is very popular for many great things – from entertaining anime to magnificent cherry blossoms and Mount Fuji. And somewhere in between, there was a choice to keep oneself warm and yet save energy; that is how the kotatsu Japanese heated table was invented and became a part of everyday life for many people in this island country. This special table’s history dates back to the fourteenth century when it all started with the cooking hearth (japan. irori) and was mostly used for cooking and heating the household. At some point, a seating platform was added to the irori, and it was no longer a space for preparing a meal; a blanket on top helped to accumulate the heat of the charcoal burner. This improved irori had become hori-gotatsu, which was slightly changed in the seventeenth century and these days was finally transformed into a well-known ‘kotatsu’. 

How Does Kotatsu Work?

Basically, a kotatsu is a space heater that keeps you and your guests warm due to the electric heaters built into the table. It contains the base and a tabletop and usually comes in separate forms when ordered online. There is a small heater under the base that pumps out toasty air accumulated under the blankets, which are advised to give the guests. Tablecloths can be used instead of blankets; though they may not be as effective, they might look more elegant.

Is Kotatsu Table Safe?

Although the risk of catching fire if left working for long seems to be reduced, there is still a possibility for the fire to break out. Therefore, it is best to carefully check the kotatsu Japanese table while purchasing and ensure the relevant parts are all present. On top of that, do be alert when the table is operating, and do not allow yourself to sleep while sitting under the blanket. 

Knowing all the disadvantages it may be challenging to relax and enjoy such a purchase. Hence, if you feel uncertain about the kotatsu but badly want to keep yourself, your loved ones, or guests warm in the most energy-efficient way, Wingo heated tables would be a fantastic solution.

Are Kotatsu Worth It?

Numerous restaurants implemented kotatsu table sets in their venues, and thousands of people did the same in their homes. However, it is good to remember that dining requires using blankets or any other cover, which may spoil the overall view and might become dangerous at some point. Therefore, you may want to find something more presentable yet eco-friendly for your terrace, cafe, or restaurant. With that being said, the choice is yours – and you certainly deserve the warmest and most appealing energy-efficient heated table. So, which one would that be?

How to Save the Most Money On a Heating Bill

There is a possibility that heating prices will go up real soon, and we don’t have the luxury of letting it go unnoticed. Duh, you better brace yourself for the upcoming weather and the heating bill as well. Only this time, heating costs don’t have to go crazy along with you receiving the bill. The information below will be helpful for anyone trying to reduce the heating bill.

Tips to Reduce Heating Costs During Winter 2022/23

Put Your Oven to Use. Literally 

One of the great ways to save on heating costs in an apartment is to get cooking. First of all, it will warm up the whole place almost right away. Second, there is nothing better than a homemade warm meal. And last but not least – it will help you reduce heating costs and overall spending. Who knows, you might end up on MasterChef after all. 

Turn Down the Water Heater  

Scalding showers are enjoyable, but there is a strong possibility you will enjoy the warm ones too. Plus, your body will be instantly grateful for such a switch. Reducing the water heater’s temperature is beneficial in numerous ways: it saves you around 10% in heating and has some health perks in the long run.

Switch Shorts to Warm Clothing

Regardless of winter being the coldest season in many parts of the world, it is still one of those lovely times when having cozy pj’s makes one feel as snug as a bug. Make sure to have a pair or two of cashmere socks and a warm drink, and there you have it – no desire to crank up the heat too much and absolute joy from winter evenings. 

Let the Sun Do Its Job 

That’s right! It may seem like the Sun is almost gone for the 3 months, but it is still there, and you can use it to your advantage. Cut down on your heating bill by opening up the curtains, shades, or blinds to allow the sunlight warmth to enter the rooms of your house. You may be surprised, but it actually works.

Invest in a Smart Thermostat

When used right, smart thermostats can be a great addition to your home. They are quite affordable themselves and can save you around 10% per year if turned down a little bit for 1/3 of the day. In addition, this device can be programmed to make the changes for you while you are at work or out and about for half of the day or so.

Go Wingo!  

Investing in an energy-efficient heated table is one of the best things you can do for your future self. This one-of-a-kind piece of science and art will definitely make you stand out, keep you and your guests warm, save energy and money. These benefits can not be overlooked, and the necessary steps for purchase must be taken.

Now that you’ve got all tips to reduce heating costs, you’ll be able to survive the winter and thrive after it ends. There are some things worth preparing for beforehand, and whether you like it or not, winter is one of them. Follow all that mentioned above, and you won’t have to stress over heating bills anymore.

How to Choose the Right Tables for a Restaurant

Different venues and restaurants, in particular, use different kinds of tables. Thus, it is easy to find one overwhelmed with a large variety of tables, and you might end up spending a lot of money – all for nothing. In order to spare you some time and finances, let’s take a look at the types of tables in a restaurant and ways to pick the right ones for yours.

Why Are Tables So Important? 

Whether you are looking for tables for a new venue or want to upgrade a restaurant that has been open for a few years or so, paying attention to the dining and wining tables might play an essential role in the long run. Think about this investment from the perspective of someone choosing a dining table for their home – they will select nice furniture to come back to, which brings people together. The same works for your clients and guests – if they are comfortable enough with table sets in your restaurant, they will come back and bring their loved ones over and over again.

Thankfully there are various table design ideas, and now we are going to go over the major ones.

How Many Classic Types of Restaurant Tables Can You Choose from? 

Five. And you need to be fully aware of the importance of the dining area in your restaurant to make it even more appealing like a dessert that one would like to try multiple times but to do so would have only one place to come back to with pleasure. Your restaurant. 

What to Consider While Choosing Table for Your Restaurant or Cafe

There are various factors that need to be taken into consideration while searching for restaurant tables. The major ones are as follows: 

  1. What is your venue’s capacity? Depending on the answer, you can understand if it’s better to fill the place with the same size and design tables or might go for different ones. The last can help to have more people at once. 
  2. Which season is best for your venue to thrive? Different tables can play different roles based on the seasonality and your preferences. It is advised to get the table sets that work for all seasons. This is when Wingo heated tables come in handy. They can warm your guests when required, and when not, they are a modern and energy-efficient addition to nearly any venue. 
  3. What is the overall venue’s atmosphere? While mixing different sets of tables to handle a bigger capacity of people, be careful not to overdo and match the overall restaurant table design.  

When picking the right tables for the restaurant, there are other factors to think about. And if you find yourself lost with table designs and layout, maybe it is time to ask a professional for help. After all, it is all in the details, and they are worth investing in when it comes to a place you want to encourage others to come back to. Don’t you agree? 

Why Businesses Should Embrace Sustainability in 2022

Sustainability is not a trend. Was it ever just that, or was there a deeper purpose behind integrating it into our lives remains uncertain. The one clear thing, though – is that it is becoming a significant part of our existence. So should we embrace sustainability or keep holding onto old ways? Our guess is that it comes down to an individual. However, businesses across all industries do need to start paying attention to ESG issues. The sooner, the better.

What is Actually Sustainability and Why is it So Important? 

Sustainability is the way of living where one is mindful of the finality of resources, thus leading life to ensure enough for future generations. In other words, sustainable leaving requires taking responsibility for the use of, well, almost everything while also focusing on protecting the environment.   

There are various benefits of leading a sustainable lifestyle. It saves some money and improves health. You might find yourself feeling better and will definitely meet new people or even a whole community that shares your interest in sustainability. 

Other benefits of sustainable development include reducing pollution, preserving natural resources, and reducing waste as well as climate change effects. 

If It is so Beneficial, Why Some Companies Do Not Embrace Sustainability? 

First and foremost, implementing a new business model, especially a sustainable one, takes more time. While entrepreneurs may be more flexible with changes, employees might have trouble adjusting and doing it fast. The solution is to provide guidelines that can be followed within the company till people are familiar with the process and can easily follow it. 

Another reason for a business not supporting sustainability is that even though, in the long run, a sustainable way of living helps save money, for companies, it requires extra expenses in the beginning to provide eco-friendly devices. 

On top of that, integrating sustainability into the company will require finding new suppliers, which brings us back to the time-consuming issue and additional expenses. 

So How Can Business Embrace Sustainability and Benefit from It? 

One of the most important things is to understand that many people are switching to eco-friendly products these days, and the number of people will only increase in the future. Therefore, it is better to establish a company as a sustainable one now and gain the consumers’ trust than regret doing so years after. 

Another great advantage of embracing sustainability in your company is tax incentives. It is no secret that some countries offer grants and tax incentives for eco-friendly businesses, and it is a crime not to use them to your advantage while helping the Earth. 

An additional benefit to implementing a sustainable business model is a positive advertisement. Knowing that your company is going or already is green allows the clients to support the business even more. 

As an entrepreneur, you need to understand all pros and cons of integrating sustainability into your business. Ask around and see how other companies dealt with the pitfalls when they went eco-friendly. Calculate the risks and if it seems like it’s worth it, go for it with no regrets whatsoever.